Beer Tasting at Southern Napa

All-American Liz here!  I'm back in the US and I have mandatory health insurance (thanks, Mr. President) and a two year contract on a cell phone, so I guess I'm here for the long haul!  Now I just need a job...any one want to hire me??

Until someone does, I'll continue to do important things like go to Target (gotta make up for lost time) and attend craft beer tastings at the fancy wine shop down the road.

Last night we did just that!  Southern Napa is a specialty wine shop here in town.  Mom is on their emailing list and had received notice that there was a free beer tasting this week.  Free beer?  Yes, please!

We were allowed two tiny tasters of the two beers they were promoting by Yellow Hammer, a white Belgian style beer (which tasted like bananas, but was oddly kinda good!) and their Rebellion Red Lager.  

While we sipped we wandered around the shop.  It has wine dispensing machines...!!  They also have a craft beer room where you can pick out all sorts of fancy brews.  We made a mixed six pack to bring home and have with dinner.

It was a fun little outing and a nice way to be welcomed back to the US.  Mardi Gras is also in full swing around here, so we are going to fit in a couple of parades before Tuesday (and maybe even a trip over to New Orleans...) Check back to find out!!

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