Balls Gets Married!

Oda-sensei (Yoko, affectionately known as 'Balls' by B and I) was the very first teacher I met when I started working at Amino Junior High School (Amichu) in 2007.  I was lucky enough to work with her for the entire time I lived in Tango, and we became close friends.

She was a bridesmaid in my wedding, and was an excellent sport even though she had no idea what a bridesmaid was or did when I first asked her.  At my wedding, she made me promise that no matter where I lived in the world, I would have to come back to Japan when she got married.  Who would have ever thought I would be living here when she got married!  Let's call it fate.

B and I first met Balls' husband (fiance at the time), Hiroyuki last summer.  Their story is really sweet (and a bit scandalous! haha).  You see, Balls' was Hiroyuki's English teacher when she first started teaching!  He had a school-boy crush on her, and even though she would have nothing to do with it (she was his teacher, after all!) he swore he would wait for her and give it another shot when he was finished school and legal. 

That's exactly what he did, and now they are happily married.

Balls painted the picture on the left.  It has the names of all of the guests.  The board on the right was a surprise from her class at Amichu.

So many gorgeous dishes (with delicious food)!

Before the kampai, the bride, the groom and their parents have to break open the barrel of sake.

On occasions like this one sake is drunk out of small wooden boxes called masu.  We had them at our wedding and it was one of my very favorite details of the day!

The yellow flower crown was a very "Balls" touch!

Then the guy with the gloves ruined my photo!!!

Before it was all over, the "Oda Family Band" made an appearance!  Balls has the nicest family.  They have always been so welcoming towards me.  And, they are a very musical family!

I couldn't be more happy for my friend and wish her and her new husband nothing but the best.  

Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Kojima!

(The pictures were taken with my real camera and my iPhone.  I apologize for them being SO BAD. There always seemed to be an attendant jumping right into the frame, a spot light shining in the camera or just no light at all!! Just bad photo taking luck all around.)

And just's a self portrait of what I wore taken in my messy apartment (gimme a break, I'm in the midst of cleaning and packing!)  

Dress: H&M (I can't find a link for it), Shoes: Zara

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