Instagram Challenge: Day 15

Day 15: Foreign Food

This was the bento I bought on impulse from a fancy department store's food floor a couple of weeks ago.  It was late, so all of the food was being marked down.  It was really yummy, and I especially love all of the autumn touches!  It was just plain pretty.

Geeze, I am still a bit flustered from the events of tonight.  I was stopped mid-dinner prep to run back out in the typhoon to buy....poison.  There was a damn cockroach in my apartment.  If you know anything about me, you know that I HATE bugs (all bugs) with every ounce of my being.  I got back from the store, Sprayed poison in the area where I had seen it and the nasty little (not so little) thing darted out and I screamed bloody murder.  I was honestly waiting for someone else in the apartment building to come see what had happened!!  No one came though...what if I was screaming for a real reason?  Although if you ask me a gross cockroach is reason enough...(shivers).  Everyone please, please, please cross your fingers for me that it was the only one!!!!!

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