Instagram Challenge: Day 24

Day 24: An Unexpected Discovery

Apologies for the poor quality photo...I took it way too quickly!

While I was up in Tango, we peaked into a roadside produce stand after having lunch.  Among the sweet potatoes, pumpkins and onions I spied some chirimen (the type of silk that the Tango region is famous for) accessories that looked a lot like the ones that my friend Toshiko makes and sells throughout Japan. The little, rather embarrassing poster above confirmed my suspicions.  You see, I happen to be the face of her little line of accessories!! 

While B and I were living in Tango, Toshiko had stopped by our house with a bag full of things she had made, and asked me if I would try them on.  I figured she just wanted to see what they looked like on someone, so I obliged.  She snapped some photos, but I thought nothing of it since she is always taking pictures.  I was a bit silly about the whole thing because B and I were deep into our ANTM (America's Next Top Model...duh) phase. 

Flash forward to last unexpected was it to find those long forgotten photos in a roadside stand?!?  I wonder where else I am gracing the walls of!  If I had known I would have put on some make up, done my hair and put on some decent clothes! 

It was most definitely an unexpected, yet entertaining discovery!!

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